Not Enough Time on So Little a Space
So after weeks and weeks of up and down in temperature the weather finally made a decision. And for the month of May that decision was hot and dry. So with the temperature stabilized we got to work turning beds and planting seed. I also had a huge flashback to my years as a young soldier. One of the days while I was turning soil and hoeing rows I could hear my Drill SGT yelling “drink water, foods a crutch and eat that ranger candy (Ibuprofen) and get back to it”. Maybe because being dehydrated was a huge issue, as was the soreness and stomach cramps if I ate to much at lunch and then headed back into the sun and heat. Regardless, the work is getting done and the results have been pretty consistent.
We had three plots to prep and seed, the legume plot, the brassica/lettuce plot and the root plot. I also turned the end of our nightshade plot which is already full of potatoes as part of a larger corn experiment. Simply, I am growing corn three different ways this year, in mounds, standard rows and a raised bed to see which if any do better. Those recently turned areas were prepped and seeded using a mechanical seeder (shown below) provided to to us from Hope Grows Farm. It took a bit of practice to it working right or I should say it took a bit to get me to operate it correctly. The seeder allowed us to space the rows accurately and much faster than I could have done it by hand.
The benefit of these endeavors has already begun to show. Our onions have exploded from the ground as have our beans and peas. It maybe a few more weeks before we can enjoy the fruits of our labors but I am enjoying the growth of the young plants.
We have also been working with a few local veterans on their small farms, most are over 60 and as a course we have helped with fencing, stock housing and pasture management. Sometimes we get to keep what they want yanked out. In this case some elderberries they wanted out of a horse pasture. We have planted them in our new poultry run, opposite our thorn less blackberries. This run will act as an air gap between our chickens and food plots, the also are the home for our two silver maple trees. The problem with Elderberries is the tend to be temperamental when you try to transplant them. We moved 4 of them getting them back in the ground within an hour of use digging them up. As usual within 24 hours they all looked like they would die, but 5 days later and two of them are starting to perk up and will likely survive.
We also had a significant tragedy strike amongst all the work and grow. Office dog or as we knew him Scout dog died last week. Looking back we recounted how he was struggling more and more to get around the last few weeks and this last Wednesday he fell asleep and didn’t wake up. He was a boon for our home and an amazing ambassador for the work we are doing. He loved all members of our family both blood and adopted in. Of the many dogs we have had over the years he was the most empathetic to the needs of those around him. He used this empathy to help relieve stress, identify pain and helped to keep people honest about their struggles. Our heart ache from loose and we will miss him for a long time. We buried him in the back near one of the many spots he would lay in while watching us work and play.
So the days have been very full, very sweaty, very sad, and very exhilarating, they have left me very sore almost every night. Thankfully, I also when to bed very fulfilled each night as a result as well. I now have to find a home for some watermelons and zucchini, which shouldn’t be that hard since they don’t take up much room. Remember that the work you put in will be reflected in the yield you draw out. Also remember to spent time with those you love for one never knows how long we have. if you can do both at once mores the better. So enjoy and remember to drink water and take your ranger candy. Regards Deven Little